You are unique. You are special. You are strong. You
may not realize it right now but no one can deny the fact that you started your
life as a champion. Just imagine that of all competing sperm cells from your
dad, you’re the one who emerged victorious; you outran at least about three
million other sperms and made it to your mother’s egg cell. The science of
genetics also points to the fact that all possible combinations of chromosomes
– from all parents that set foot on this planet – make your birth a kind of
chance event of astronomical proportions. That night when you were conceived,
millions of individual, aspiring sperms – with all their quirkiness, weaknesses
and strengths imprinted in their genetic material – vied to win the race of
human reproduction. And voila! You were born. So smile. You are the only person
in this world that can be you. You have all the strengths you need to ace the
game of life. In times of trouble and despair, remember this important
scientific fact – you are unique. You can become what you want to be. Believe
in yourself and say: “I can!”
what, if there is any, are the powers of the words “I can?” Why say to yourself
that you can when you actually feel you can’t? In a world full of failures,
betrayals, broken hopes and relationships, will it make sense to deceive oneself
about the harsh reality of life? Well, no one’s being deceived! Everyone of us
have great potentials to succeed in life no matter how dire the situations we
face individually. You and I are strong persons that should seek out for those
unlimited possibilities. We can be actors, politicians, singers and
professionals. We can be artists, activists, heroes. It is up to us. In our own
personal endeavors, however, we might fail a lot. You may be scarred, bruised and
beaten as you go along. But you must not lose the will to fight and let defeat
defeat you. If you feel that your problems and frustrations seem overwhelming,
take a deep breath, hold your chin up, and say that you can. People who commit
suicides are those who never believed in their own inner strengths. “I can:”
make these two words your personal mantra. Think of the many things you have:
your eyesight, your friends and the one you love. Unleash your inner Superman
and never be defeated by defeat again. You can. You must.
can be happy and so can you. This is what most people forget. The cause of all
heartaches and miseries is this: the belief that happiness is a matter of
externals. “I can only be happy if she loves me back.” I will only be happy if I
pass that exam.” “I will be happy if I already own that brand new car.” We tend
to see happiness through a mirage of “ifs.” “I can be happy if the conditions
are right.” That’s precisely how sad people see happiness. These people beg and
beg from life the things they lack. Ask yourself: aren’t you happy that you’re
still able to eat three meals in a day? Can’t you be satisfied with the nice
clothes you’re wearing today? Aren’t you proud of the loving people you share
your life with? Remember: a million people in this planet desperately want to
live in your shoes – people of extreme poverty and hopelessness. Being happy is
not about what you have but of what you are. The good thing about happiness is
that it’s like a light switch: you can turn it on at will. How? Smile. Sing a
song. Play with a pet. Talk with your friends. Just cheer up and be happy. Be
happy for no reason at all. It is a matter of choice and you can make that
choice. You can!
live in a world that’s in great need of men and women who can stand their
ground and say to themselves that life cannot bring them down. Right at this
moment, say to yourself: “I can.” Have a heart of a lion and be strong for
those who are on the verge of giving up.
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